We are proud that At The End Of The Line will be showing at two very important film festivals this week. They are important because of the subject matter. One deals with oppression, and the other with the Jewish Experience. Given the situation with ISIS and the rise of nationalism again in Europe, we feel that At The End of the Line is an important film for our times.

First, we have the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival(FLIFF) on 11/10 at 1pmman sories. These are all films about . This grouping of films tells important hoppression. We are glad that FLIFF thought our film was good enough to represent this category.

The second is The Roving Eye Film Festival on the campus of Roger Williams University in Bristol, RI, also on 11/10. This film festival has to do explicitly with the Jewish Experience, and again, we are proud to be a part of it. All screenings are free to the public.
If you are in the area, we would be honored to have you go support the film. Thank you all for all of your word of mouth, so far. This is an important tale to tell, and we all can play a part to make our generation aware of what is happening again today.
Thank you.