From April 11 to the 17th, You can watch At The End Of The Line at the Tokyo Lift-Off Film Festival! You don’t have to buy a plane ticket or convert your dollars to yen. That’s because this is an online film festival. You can vote for the film, and help us to continue to move our message forward.
Here’s what the website says on how to do that:
— One vote per Vimeo purchase and Vimeo account profile only —
Let us know your favourite film. Please vote by commenting in the comments section below. Simply tell us your favourite from the programme featured and the top two winning films will get Official Selections for the live screenings at Las Vegas and Vancouver Lift-Off Film Festivals in June and August this year respectively.
The online festival will be live for 1 week only, from Monday April 11th – Saturday April 17th.
Forming part of Tokyo Lift-Off Film Festival 2016, the Tokyo Lift-Off Online initiative was created to give opportunity to the filmmakers our physical festival found impossible to programme, yet due to the quality of work we found equally impossible to ignore.
For one week only, our worldwide audiences have the opportunity to watch this excellent work, and vote using the comments section of the site.
The winning films will then form part of either our Las Vegas Lift-Off Film Festival 2016, happening this June at the Palms Casino Resort or Vancouver Lift-Off Film Festival, happening in August at the Vancouver International Film Centre.
All votes are counted between the 1 week period only.